It’s been a long time since we’ve updated this section. A lot has happened.
We now have our products available for purchase and download right here! You can listen for free any time. We are also available on bandcamp. Check us out!
Michael and I just had a fabulous trip to Louisiana. What a grand time we had! We attended Festival Acadian in Lafayette and saw loads of our favourite bands. Then we went to Blackpot Music Camp in Eunice Louisiana at the beautiful Lakeview Park. We took lessons from our heros all day, then danced to some of the greatest bands every night. The site was perfect and the food was unbelievably good. Then we went to Blackpot Festival at the lovely historic village of Vermillionville in Lafayette. The dances were huge and exciting. The concerts in the small venues were exquisite and very moving. Laissez les bons temps rouler!
We have lots of gigs coming up so check out the ‘live’ section and come and see us some time why don’t you?